I have always been afraid of the city.
We crossed many bridges to come here. Many of them costing us 5 and 8 $.
My glorious sister lives in New York, in Astoria (Queens). We have not seen each other in way too many years. Finally I have traveled close enough to pay her a visit.
One trend that seems to be following us around the country: when we come into town for a visit, people seem to play hookie.
my sister took us out into the city.
This woman was great. The song was very enjoyable. I did not tip her and to this day I feel bad I didn't.
After much walking and seeing of things, we stopped to have a beer. This is one of the greatest benefits to being your own boss. Beer any time of day.
My sister is so cool
And then, in a courtyard surrounded closely on all sides by mounds and miles of city,
So goodbye new york, we love you and we promise to come back to see more of you. Such a large and colorful thing is impossible to grasp in one day but we will return: To try and get a feel for what you are, what you look like, what you taste like...
Yea, New York is awesome!
Well friends, we have been so busy in New England, we have been to Maine and Vermont! Now we head to upstate new york through the Adirondack!.
But we will update you soon!
Its just too pretty to do anything on a computer