we're in jacksonville, last night we played a bbq in a warehouse with this record label called Infintesmal, keep them in mind if you ever travel this far south. they're super awesome. acutally jacksonville is super awesome.
I have always said that Tallahassee is full of trees, and Jacksonville is full of holes... but they fill them with love.
Jacksonville is shitty. dont get me wrong, it looks like a bomb fell on it... and no one took notice. But it isn't an especially old city either. the buildings are abandoned, but not condemned. Which makes it a perfect place for artists and activists to come in with little capital and buy a block to start up a bar, a bike shop, a screenprinting shop, and a custom messenger bag shop. plenty of spaces even in the downtown area for small indie record labels to get a space for recording. miles and miles of industrial land, full of warehouses that are super cheap for an all night super loud venue. next to the rail road tracks.. .and under the bridge.
(this morning)

my bestfriend/girlfriend broke up today and i know that algae queen doesnt seem to be about relationships, but the first lines cheered me up a little today. so, thank you.