Monday, October 11, 2010


these are some of my friends in knoxville

making friends in a new town is really hard, but the best thing to do is get a job, or go to school... or join a church if you're into that kind of thing.

i got a job, somewhere I could go... a safe place in a strange town where i knew no one... preferably a place with alcohol. when i had a job at starbucks i liked to hang out there too... but seriously, how long can you drink coffee? you got to be like, on your computer studying/working or something. you can just, sit there with a frappuccino for hours on end can you? you'd be a creepy freaky.

so here are some of my friends... and a nice booby pic of me too.
That's nickie next to me (Dylan's sister), i like her a lot.
Above that is Danielle, i like her a lot too... Dylan is her boyfriend (first pic)... and in between is Karmin... Nickie's girlfriend, Danielle's cousin, and her friend... Ham

this is Sean. he's a cook. this is his birthday party. who knew that beer pong could be so artistic?

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