here are some things i made one time,
one time... one time long ago i used to be this person, that made things.
i used to make all kinds of things, they'd just come out like poop falls out yer butt... but i learned that as you get older, things dont just happen anymore. sorry to be gross, but come on people. you are aging, right now.
in any case, i used to sewing up storms of wallets and bags, full of tentacles and dinosaurs and bubbles and zombies.
i used to write so many songs and just sing um out like sneezing
i used to be happy
i used to be fat
i used to dream about traveling
i used to dream about falling in love
i used to be younger than most people around me
i used to be too young to do anything
somethings haven't changed, some things have been completely abolished.
and some things are just different.
tonight there is a significant change. a lot of things that change in life happen so slowly that you never notice until your ass is hanging past your knees.
but tonight, the light is on.
this means of course, that i am up, in my bed doing creative things, (typing, blogging, talking, writing) by myself. The difference is that my partner isn't here. He's asleep in his beautiful new apartment. we house warmed with cider tonight. and then i went home to my lonely bed, my huge lonely bed. have you ever slept in a king size all by yourself? it is an amazing experience that never gets old. of course there is something to be said about sleeping in a king size with the person you love. its entirely awesome in different ways. like how amazing chocolate is to caramel or vanilla. or ice cream to waterslides. or the first day of school to the last. exciting in different ways. so this is good. this is neat. this is different and strange and...
we'll see what comes out of it.
1. Tommy's Birthday on Wednesday
2. Blonde Rednead in Nashville!! (also on wednesday)
3. my first Dentist appt in years, 2:15 Monday
4. Cutting out wallets
5. Distributing zines
7. Practicing in a new space
8. Designing new business cards and
9. talk of a website?!
**10. Booking the Memphibians at the Pilot Light**
** if i could only get one thing done this week, i would wish you have this done**