Sunday, October 24, 2010

tonight the light is on

here are some things i made one time,

one time... one time long ago i used to be this person, that made things.

i used to make all kinds of things, they'd just come out like poop falls out yer butt... but i learned that as you get older, things dont just happen anymore. sorry to be gross, but come on people. you are aging, right now.

in any case, i used to sewing up storms of wallets and bags, full of tentacles and dinosaurs and bubbles and zombies.

i used to write so many songs and just sing um out like sneezing

i used to be happy

i used to be fat

i used to dream about traveling

i used to dream about falling in love

i used to be younger than most people around me

i used to be too young to do anything

somethings haven't changed, some things have been completely abolished.

and some things are just different.

tonight there is a significant change. a lot of things that change in life happen so slowly that you never notice until your ass is hanging past your knees.

but tonight, the light is on.
this means of course, that i am up, in my bed doing creative things, (typing, blogging, talking, writing) by myself. The difference is that my partner isn't here. He's asleep in his beautiful new apartment. we house warmed with cider tonight. and then i went home to my lonely bed, my huge lonely bed. have you ever slept in a king size all by yourself? it is an amazing experience that never gets old. of course there is something to be said about sleeping in a king size with the person you love. its entirely awesome in different ways. like how amazing chocolate is to caramel or vanilla. or ice cream to waterslides. or the first day of school to the last. exciting in different ways. so this is good. this is neat. this is different and strange and...

we'll see what comes out of it.


1. Tommy's Birthday on Wednesday
2. Blonde Rednead in Nashville!! (also on wednesday)
3. my first Dentist appt in years, 2:15 Monday
4. Cutting out wallets
5. Distributing zines
7. Practicing in a new space
8. Designing new business cards and
9. talk of a website?!
**10. Booking the Memphibians at the Pilot Light**

** if i could only get one thing done this week, i would wish you have this done**

Saturday, October 23, 2010


hey, I was thinking of going to wordpress... how do you guys feel about this? anything?

but that is besides the point... this map is for illustrating my EPIC PLANNING!!

I shall begin an epic journey next may for 3/3 reasons:

1. Self Discovery/Independence
2. Documentation/Collection
3. Adventure/Music

This tour will circumnavigate the entire country, hopefully accumulating the entire west into my collection... what collection you say? If you do not know I have a 48 state goal, to play a show in every state... but the collecting goes much farther than this yes, much farther indeed.

On this trip I will begin tangible collection, of each city... a soil sample if you will, contained in a small glass vial. BWA HA HA HA HA!

Here is a breakdown of my first draft:


From Knoxville to Carls Bad Caverns... the main obstacle... Texas. so I am currently researching cities. Places to play, bands to play with and venues for my wallets and zines.

Part I begins with Pensacola, my old home, and the surrounding cities.
Part I ends with several state parks including the grand canyon, white sands nation monument, the petrified forest, joshua tree national and finally a visit to my father's hometown of Mexicali.



Part 2 takes me up the coast to where the majority of my family lives around the Bay area, from here I hope to steal my oldest friend Amanda from Fremont and take her north... NORTH I SAY! Up to Eureka, up to the Redwoods UP UP UP all the way to Vancouver.

This concludes part 2:


Part 3 consists of winding and wandering through the northwest, though the unknown and forgotten parts and states, where large cities are few and far between. I mean, who knows anything about Idaho, Montana, Wyoming... Utah... i dont... BUT I WILL!!

Part three ends when i reach colorado where I will tour the many cities for a couple weeks until i reach my ultimate destination... the ecological laboratory where i spent a summer when i was 20... I still have dreams about this place and i hope to get a job for a month in the surrounding area and just be there awhile. explore. discover, think about the next step... which will ultimatly be...


my triumphant return to Knoxville to work the next football season. Climb out of the debt i will no doubtedly accumulate and start again. Maybe this time i will be ready for a big girl job... but if not, i will have a shitty van that will probably need much repair.

now... to find the van.

love u


Monday, October 11, 2010


these are some of my friends in knoxville

making friends in a new town is really hard, but the best thing to do is get a job, or go to school... or join a church if you're into that kind of thing.

i got a job, somewhere I could go... a safe place in a strange town where i knew no one... preferably a place with alcohol. when i had a job at starbucks i liked to hang out there too... but seriously, how long can you drink coffee? you got to be like, on your computer studying/working or something. you can just, sit there with a frappuccino for hours on end can you? you'd be a creepy freaky.

so here are some of my friends... and a nice booby pic of me too.
That's nickie next to me (Dylan's sister), i like her a lot.
Above that is Danielle, i like her a lot too... Dylan is her boyfriend (first pic)... and in between is Karmin... Nickie's girlfriend, Danielle's cousin, and her friend... Ham

this is Sean. he's a cook. this is his birthday party. who knew that beer pong could be so artistic?

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I've been drawing a lot more lately, AND I acquired a scanner for to share them with people.

yes.... this is just panel 1/8 of "Chips & Diane" ... more to come